Beware of site is a web site related to and many other browser hijackers. If you have your browser hijacked with you will see many ads displayed at the home page of your browser, which got hijacked. So, you might see some ads displayed there that say you supposedly have some new message waiting for you. When you click this so-called message, which in reality is a misleading advertisement, you will see the following window coming up:

As you see, this message is related to a site Generally, this advertisement tells about some doubtful opportunity for you to win an Ipad. If you accept this offer and click “OK” on the advertisement, you will be forwarded to another local site where you will be deceived in another manner. For example, you can be offered to take a contest of choosing the correct answer to some question that doesn’t require much knowledge. This can be the question of who is the President of the United States of America, whether it is Barack Obama or George Bush. Or you might have to choose an answer in a ridiculous questionnaire – who is the founder or CEO of Apple, whether it is Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, etc.

The point is that after you complete this questionnaire you will be forwarded to one more site where you will be told you’ve won the contest, and so you supposedly must specify your personal information, like your name, address, email and telephone number. This is where the trick is! This is how hackers attempt to collect your personal and even mobile phone information for their fraudulent purposes. If you specify such details in a special form on that web-site you will then start receiving a lot of spam which will terribly infect your computer. So, please avoid this site and do not specify any of your personal, email or telephone number details there. We recommend you to scan your PC with our software for complex malware removal.

Software necessary for thorough malware removal:

One Reply to “Beware of site”

  1. yo guje el lunes pasado el concurso contestando 12 pregunta gane un televisor y canjie por la paxno tuve respuesta todavia es serio este concursosiempre entro en esta pagina i si no lo fuera e sido engaƱado

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