Remove ‘Your browser has been locked’ FBI warning virus

Many citizens of the United States of America have been really scared with the fake FBI warning (virus) which hijacked their browser. The heading of the browser’s tab was this: “Your browser has been locked“. This is a brand new scam, the product of cyber frauds who would like to gain possession over users’ funds through the practice of scaring users with a lot of faulty information and prompting them to pay money through GreenDot MoneyPak payment system supposedly to unlock the browser that got blocked by this virus. If you have the scary message ‘Your browser has been locked’ occupying the entire window of your browser please immediately follow the guidelines outlined below explaining effective removal of this fake FBI warning scam.

Your browser has been locked scam

It is obvious that hackers have decided to modify the ways of their attacks on particular PCs, partially switching from locking the entire system to simply locking the browser. It is peculiar that any browser may become vulnerable to this virus attack, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and many other less popular browsers.

The full text of the scary FBI warning that comes up on a hijacked browser is as follows:

Cyber Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation
All activities of this computer have been recorded
All your files are encrypted. Don’t try to unlock your computer!
Your browser has been blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below.
You have been subjected to violation of Copyright and Related Rights Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted contents, thus infringing Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America.
Article 1, Section 8, Cause 8 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for two to eight years.
You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content (Child Porno photos and etc were found on your computer). Thus violating article 202 of the Criminal Code of United States of America, Article 202 of the Criminal Code provides for a deprivation of liberty for four to twelve years.
Illegal access has been initiated from your PC without your knowledge or consent, your PC may be infected by malware, thus you are violating the law on Neglectful Use of Personal Computer. Article 210 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of up to $100,000 and/or deprivation of liberty for four to nine years.
Pursuant to the amendment to Criminal Code of United States of America of May 28, 2011, this law infringement (if it is not repeated – first time) may be considered as conditional in case you pay the fine of the States.
To unlock your computer and to avoid other legal consequences, you are obligated to pay a release fee of $300. Payable through GreenDot MoneyPak (you have to purchase MoneyPak card, load it with $300 and enter the code). You can buy the code at any shop or gas station. MoneyPak is available at the stores nationwide.

If you have this fake FBI warning on your browser that says that your browser has been blocked, you need to ignore this alert unambiguously. This is a fake FBI alert which is not associated with Cyber Department of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. So, do not ever pay this fake fine amounted to USD 300. this is a real money though. If you pay this ransom the funds will never be refunded by these cyber frauds. Furthermore, there’s no any guarantee that the browser will be unlocked.

By the way, if you shut down the tab of your browser with the warning “Your browser has been locked”, another message will come up that says:

Your browser has been blocked warning

Your browser has been locked. All PC data will be detained and criminal procedures will be initiated against you if the fine will not be paid.

Obviously, this warning must also be ignored by you completely! Do not ever trust its contents and don’t pay any fake fine! To delete ‘Your browser has been locked’ fake FBI warning (virus) please follow the steps listed below.

Removal video:

Recommended ransomware removal solution for Windows OS platforms:

  1. First of all, stop (end) your browser by clicking “Ctrl-Alt-Delete” hotkey combination.
  2. Restart your computer into Safe Mode with Networking. To do it, keep hitting F8 key repeatedly, before Windows OS starts booting.
  3. Select your operating system and the account that got locked with ransomware.
  4. When Windows launches in Safe Mode with Networking, use “Win + R” hotkey combination to open Windows Explorer.
  5. In the address line insert the text “
  6. Click “OK”.
  7. Download, install, update and run Plumbytes Anti-Malware.
  8. Malware removal tool
  9. Scan your computer with Anti-Malware and remove all detected threats.
  10. Restart your computer.
  11. Share this information with your friends on Facebook and other social networks.

Similar removal video at YouTube:

So, we do recommend you to try the above method initially. Then, if it does not work, try these other guides below. It is probable that these other methods will be effective solutions to fix your problem. If this information has been helpful to you please share it with other friends of yours.

Solution to get rid of “Your browser has been locked” message for Apple’s Mac OS X Users.

  1. Open Safari browser.
  2. Click on the Safari menu and then select “Reset Safari”:
  3. Reset Safari browser

  4. It is mandatory to mark all items and hit the “Reset” button:
  5. Are you sure you want to reset safari

Alternative removal guides to remove other forms of ransomware from your computer:

  1. Ransomware removal in Safe Mode with Networking –
  2. Removal of ransomware that modifies “Shell” registry entry –
  3. Removal of ransomware that replaces explorer.exe file –

Optional ransomware removal through System Restore:

Optional similar virus removal video guide (through System Restore method):

Important! If the above-mentioned guidelines didn’t help you unlock your PC, use this guide as a final solution – and this guide as well.

81 Replies to “Remove ‘Your browser has been locked’ FBI warning virus”

  1. Thank you so much for this info this shit poped up on me last night and I was like what the scam!!!! Obama pointing a finger at me in the top bar graphic I thought for a second I was in some shit force quit safari and looked this up on mozilla I was like ok its bull my other browser works, regardless this was very helpfull!

  2. There isn’t really a virus installed , because if you notice nothing downloads.
    Plus the F.B.I. would never be allowed to block your personal files or personal computer.

    1. The F.B.I. can do whatever it wants under the Obama administration. Even if their actions are unconstitutional, there are no consequences for them and nobody will be held accountable. They won’t even have to issue an apology.

  3. I got this page popping up the other day. I use Firefox on Linux. At first, I tried a restart and reconnected to the internet, but the page came back. So, I rebooted completely. This time I did not connect to the internet. I started Firefox and it came up with a message that it could not recover a page. It was this virus page. So, I UNchecked the page to recover and all has been fine since.

  4. The first reaction to digital invasions of any kind should be “Cut the hardline.” Physically disconnect net cables and net cards from your computer. This first step could be the difference between finding some of your privacy invaded and finding that you’d just bought a new car in another state with credit lines you never applied for. Do not wait for processes to finish! Next most important step is to start the task manager with alt+ctrl+del keystroke . monitor what processes are trying to execute and you can scan the individual items right there with a right click. Third, run a virus scan, I use Spybot Search and Destroy and highly recommend it.–very small, very effective. Forth, do not ever download ad-ons or virus scans that you don’t recognize! I went to Internet Options and dumped the history and cookies and cache. I didn’t find a virus, so I rebooted and reopened the browser, still offline, hit the dump again for good measure, unchecked the restore session box; and started a new session. Problem solved. Good luck!

    1. I like your comment, even though it recommends Spybot Search and Destroy. I don’t mind at all you recommending other software, as long this is not in the form of an affiliate link. If you place similar comments to other posts on this site, I will approve them. Thank you!

  5. 2014-06-27 2300
    Was running Firefox browser in Sandboxie when browser was “locked” by this attack. Erased all files in the sandbox…no problem. Firefox out side Sandbox was clean as was virus scan. This crap is a terrific reason to run sandbox or its equivalent while exploring risky sites! A VPN won’t stop it, but it will stop the threat of recording your correct IP address.

    1. Fastest way —hard boot computer– ie press start button till it turns off restart normal mode—-restart browser—DO NOT RESTART SESSION— continue as normal. no need to buy anything else.

  6. 2014-07-02 2230
    Currently using Sandboxie FREE version 4.12(64 bit) downloaded from I am assuming older versions including 32 bit would have provided the same type of protection but may now be somewhat incompatible with current Firefox versions. Current Firefox version in use at time of attack was 30.0. AVG didn’t activate during attack possibly due to Sandbox and fact AVG was not initially pulled into the Sandbox along with the Firefox browser. Sandbox seems a little weird at first, but it gets easier after you use it a while. The site is very informative.

  7. lothis virus got me when ib was looking at porn of super anorexic girls

  8. i have the same problem but i cant reset safari because i can’t select the item i tried also restarting my mac but it didn’t work, what other option do i have?

    1. If I had Mac, I would probably explain. But I don’t have it. Sorry. Maybe you can ask people at the forum of site.

  9. I’m trying the GridinSoft Trojan Killer right now. It says it is a 15 day trial, but I’m wondering if I will be able to remove the Trojans found or do I have to wait unit I purchase the full version?

    1. You need to contact support team of GridinSoft Trojan Killer through creating the support ticket (you may do it directly via site) in the right sidebar of it (click the box). They will give you a full free trial.

    2. And yes, Trojan Killer’s so-called free 15 day trial is just a so-called one. Read the privacy statement that explains this issue in more details. I never said that Trojan Killer is free. But we do issue free trial codes to all interested people like you.

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