Remove browser hijacker

Have you ever experienced the problem of browser redirection via Whether you’re just beginning to use computers, or are a profound IT geek, you can’t escape from the risk of malware intrusion into your system. Regretfully, portaldosites is one of many browser hijackers which often attack many PCs these days. At the same time, we can’t really categorize this application as malware. Yet, the methods of its installation into various computers are often illegal. If attacked your browser please use the guidelines below to remove it from your computer.

Speaking of again, we can emphasize the fact that it resembles qvo6 browser hiajcker a lot. This pest may attack the computer in any country and implant itself into any browser that is set by user as the default one. As we’ve said already, sometimes this hacker may come into computers through direct participation of various trojan horses, yet in the majority of the cases its installation is the fault of the user. You probably wonder how could this ever happen, right? We’ll try to explain this mechanism to you in the next paragraph.

Let’s say, some sunny morning you wake up, have a cup of coffee and decide to do some surfing online. Either you want to read the latest news or watch the results of some football game doesn’t really make up any difference. Suddenly, while browsing through the requested information, you happen to see the offer to download and install some useful program which, in your opinion, will be very helpful and important for you to keep. Plus, the fact that this application is a freeware gives more courage for you to download and install it right away. So, you gladly click the “Download” button, then install the app onto your PC quickly and open the program. Everything is great, the program meets your expectations. Yet, you’ve failed to notice certain very important event during its installation (which has already been accomplished by you). During the software installation the wizard clearly told you that in addition to this initial application of your choice you were installing some extras, including hijacker which was going to assign itself as the default search page of your browser. The setup wizard even gave you the option to choose custom installation instead of the standard one. In this custom installation you could uncheck the option to install Yet, you were in a hurry to install the program which was bundled with portaldosites, and as a result you have this hijacker now in your browser. So, became the home page of your browser with as the default search engine. Furthermore, if you uninstall (remove) the initial program of your preference which obviously was a freeware, portaldosites hijacker will remain, and you will surely experience a real turmoil while attempting to delete it.

To summarize the above-said, you should always be careful while installing anything onto your computer. Make sure you uncheck all default options to install something else in additon to the initial program of your choice. Always choose the option of custom installation instead of the default one. Finally, to remove from your browser (no matter which one you regularly use), please follow the guidelines below that will assist you in this matter. removal from Internet Explorer.

  1. Go to “Tools“, select “Internet Options” panel.
  2. Click “General” tab.
  3. Delete homepage link and set a new homepage link.
  4. Click “Settings” button in the “Search” area, open “Manage Add-ons” panel.
  5. Remove, then close “Manage Add-ons” panel.
  6. Click “Apply” or “OK” on “Internet Options” panel to apply the changes. removal from Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Go to “Firefox” button in the upper-left window corner, then select “Options” panel.
  3. Click “General” tab.
  4. Delete homepage link and set a new homepage link.
  5. Go to “Firefox“, then select “Add-ons” and open “Add-ons Manager” panel.
  6. Click “Remove” button in the right of
  7. Choose “Manage Search Engines” in the search list.
  8. Remove, then click “OK“.
  9. Restart Mozilla Firefox. removal from Google Chrome.

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click “Customize and control Google Chrome” in the right-top of the page.
  3. Choose “Settings“, then click “Set pages” link to delete homepage link. Then click “OK“.
  4. Click “Manage search engines”, delete, then click “OK“.
  5. Via “Customize and control Google Chrome” go to “Tools“, select “Extensions” open “strong>Extensions” panel.
  6. Remove ““.
  7. Restart Google Chrome.

Restoring shortcuts of amended browsers.

  1. Find the shortcut of the browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.) in all locations of the computer, including but not limited to the desktop.
  2. Right click and find the “Option“.
  3. Delete in “Target” of the tab “Shortcut“.

Detailed guide to fix browser redirection issue:

2 Replies to “Remove browser hijacker”

  1. I have been trying to remove from my computer for about a week now. I have not been able to get it off my computer. I tried everything. I have tried to go to my control panel, features and programs, but I do not see Portaldosites. What other names can it be hiding under? I really want this off my computer. It is a stubborn PUP.

    1. Try the method described in this video –
      You need to check the Desktop icon of your browser and remove PortalDoSites from the Properties of the shortcut of your infected browser.
      This includes all shortcuts, including the Start menu items related to your browser.

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