Do you see scary alert in your browser supposedly from the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), also stated to be originating from Cyber Crimes Department? In case this message comes from the websites like and, this means that your computer is brutally targeted by scammers who want to get your money. This is not a real FBI or Cyber Crimes Department warning, but rather a serious ransomware, which surely can make you worried. Well, worried not about the PC or your blocked browser, but rather about whether this alert has anything to do with the FBI of the United States of America.
Again, we want to assure you that these scary messages from or websites, claiming to be coming from the FBI or Cyber Crimes Department, are absolutely fake. This is a special computer infection classified as ransomware, also known as Trojan:HTML/Browlock (this is the way it is categorized by some anti-spyware and antivirus applications). The infection targets the majority of contemporary browsers, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. It is also true that this virus may attack Android devices, such as your phones or tablets. However, in this guide we will explain to you the ways of its removal from regular PCs only.
This infection has an international character, i.e. it attacks various countries of the world, not just the United States of America. The design of this virus will be different depending on the targeted country. If it attacks France, it will be presented as the fake alert from Gendarmerie Nationale. In case the attack is directed at Germany, the chances are that the it will contain logos and symbols of GVU, or other police and law-enforcement bodies of Germany. The same can be said about other countries, where this ransomware will choose its special design depending on the name of the police in this specific country.
When the attack is directed at the United States of America, this is what users will see once their browser is hijacked by it:
The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Cyber Crimes Department
Your browser has been locked
All activities of this computer have been recorded.
Your browser has been locked due to at least one of the reasons specified below.
You have been subjected to violation of Copyright and Related Rights Law (Video, Music, Software) and illegally using or distributing copyrighted contents, this infringing Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8, also known as the Copyright of the Criminal Code of United States of America. Article 1, Section 8, Cause 8 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine of two to five hundred minimal wages or a deprivation of liberty for two to eight years.
You have been viewing or distributing prohibited Pornographic content. Thus violating article 202 of the Criminal Code of United States of America, Article 202 of the Criminal Code provides for a deprivation of liberty for four to twelve years.
Illegal access has been initiated from your PC with ought for your knowledge or consent, your PC may be infected by malware, thus you are violating the law on Neglectful Use of Personal Computer. Articles 210 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine up to $100,000 and/or deprivation of liberty for four to nine years.
Pursuant to the amendment to the Criminal Code of United States of America of May 28, 2011, this law infringement (if it is not repeated – first time) may be considered as conditional in case you pay the fine of the States.
To unlock your browser and to avoid other legal consequences, you are obligated to pay a release fee of $300. Payable through GreenDot MoneyPak (you have to purchase MoneyPak card. Load it with $300 and enter the code).
You can buy the code at any shop or gas station. MoneyPak is available at the stores nationwide.
Your browser will be unlocked after money is put into the State’s account.
Please note: Fine must be paid within 12 hours. As soon as 12 hours elapse, the possibility to pay the fine expires. All PC data will be detained and criminal procedures will be initiated against you if the fine is not paid.
In reality, this is an absolute scam. Hackers who stand behind development and distribution of this virus simply want you to pay money in their favour. So, this $300 isn’t a real fine or some release fee. This is a ransom, and if you pay it, this money goes into pockets of these crooks who elaborated and distribute this ransomware.

You now understand how important it is for you not to trust any of such fake alerts you see from or websites. This alert is very dangerous, since you may lose your money after being scared to death with its fake message. In order to fix this problem we recommend you to follow this specific removal guide that will help you to fix this problem with your browser and reset it automatically. Please feel free to contact us at any time of your preference in case you require our further assistance.
Removal video:
Recommended ransomware removal solution for Windows OS platforms:
- First of all, stop (end) your browser by clicking “Ctrl-Alt-Delete” hotkey combination.
- Restart your computer into Safe Mode with Networking. To do it, keep hitting F8 key repeatedly, before Windows OS starts booting.
- Select your operating system and the account that got locked with ransomware.
- When Windows launches in Safe Mode with Networking, use “Win + R” hotkey combination to open Windows Explorer.
- In the address line insert the text ““
- Click “OK”.
- Download, install, update and run Plumbytes Anti-Malware.
- Scan your computer with Anti-Malware and remove all detected threats.
- Restart your computer.
- Share this information with your friends on Facebook and other social networks.
Similar removal video at YouTube:
So, we do recommend you to try the above method initially. Then, if it does not work, try these other guides below. It is probable that these other methods will be effective solutions to fix your problem. If this information has been helpful to you please share it with other friends of yours.
Solution to get rid of “Your browser has been locked” message for Apple’s Mac OS X Users.
- Open Safari browser.
- Click on the Safari menu and then select “Reset Safari”:
- It is mandatory to mark all items and hit the “Reset” button:
Alternative removal guides to remove other forms of ransomware from your computer:
- Ransomware removal in Safe Mode with Networking –
- Removal of ransomware that modifies “Shell” registry entry –
- Removal of ransomware that replaces explorer.exe file –
Optional ransomware removal through System Restore:
- Ransomware removal in Safe Mode with Networking –
- Removal of ransomware that modifies “Shell” registry entry –
- Removal of ransomware that replaces explorer.exe file –
Optional ransomware removal through System Restore:
Optional similar virus removal video guide (through System Restore method):
Important! If the above-mentioned guidelines didn’t help you unlock your PC, use this guide as a final solution – and this guide as well.